Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I know, I am a bad blogger.

Not bad as in cool or awesome, but bad like I really stink at this. I enjoy doing it when it suits me and the last time it suited me was hmmm lets see.......back in December. Anyway, I am going to try to do one at least once a week. The problem with that is I often don't think that anything has happened that is note worthy for my blog. Today I had to rack my brain to try to think of something that I feel is worthy of putting on here and this is what I came up with.

This step.Try to ignore the baby with the crooked pacifier and slobbery t-shirt who wouldn't stop standing in front of me every time I held the camera up to my face. If you can do that you will see it. Quiet and unassuming it waits for me to let my guard down. It waits for me to use it when my hands are full of diaper bag, coats, and anything I might carry out of the house. Then it strikes. Sending me crashing to the concrete floor with a high pitched oooohhhh and an oommpffff. The things in my hands tossed into the air and scattered in front of me. This step has been the bane of my life at this house. I can't tell you how many times I have fallen down it. Every time I fall I turn to look at what I tripped over and there is nothing there but this step. It's gotten to the point to where I tell that step not to trip me and that I have my eye on it. Maybe I am going crazy, or maybe I am tired of falling down it onto the dirty garage floor.

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